Careers at Leitner
As an employee of Leitner AG, you will benefit from fair working conditions, social benefits and good wages. But not only that.
We support you
Your personal development is important to us, and further training is a top priority. We treat each other with respect.
We are a family business
With around 60 employees at present, we are a company where everyone knows each other. The tone of communication is therefore suitably relaxed, and we sometimes have a beer together.
We are techies
If you are not from the Swiss lakes region, you may not know that Busswil is located in the middle of Health Valley, a technology-savvy region. World-class watches and unrivalled microtechnology are manufactured here. And the MedTech industry is also at home here.
We are in Busswil
The aforementioned Bernese village is situated barely 30 kilometers from Berne and Solothurn, 10 from Biel and a stone’s throw from the up-and-coming industrial center of Lyss. The village train station is within walking distance of Leitner.

Leitner as an employer
At our SME, you will benefit on the one hand from the relaxed, family atmosphere and on the other hand, from our willingness to support the development of our employees to the best of our ability. We attach great importance to further training.
Busswil may sound remote to people form elsewhere, but Biel and Bern are just minutes away and the up-and-coming Lyss, which has recently become an official town, is only a stone’s throw away.
You can get to work by public transport if you wish, and the Busswil train station is within easy walking distance.
Interested? Send your application to Sarah Held:
+41 32 381 00 28 or

Leitner trains apprentices
Unser Beitrag zur Ausbildung des fachlichen Nachwuchses ist uns ein Our contribution to the training of young professionals is of key importance to us. That is why at Leitner, there are always at least four young people undertaking apprenticeships in polymechanics.
Would this interest you? You are welcome to come and have a look. Contact Sarah Held: +41 32 381 00 28,
Here you will find our current vacancies. Should we be fully staffed at the moment or if the position you want is not featured: just write on-spec! Your contact is Sarah Held: +41 32 381 00 28,
Does this appeal to you?
Then get in touch with us!